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146 images
62 imagesBrdarka is a small village with only 50 inhabitants. Most of the people have moved away due to lack of work and other opprotunities. Brdarka is well known because of thousands of cherry trees that usually blossom at the beginning of May. At this time the whole valley is covered with millions of flowers. Brdarka is also a place of rising permaculture community. It is located close to Roznava in Central Slovakia.
252 images
183 images
316 imagesMila pre mamu v Poprade dna 8. maja 2011. Akcia sa konala pri prilezitosti dna matiek a zucastnilo sa jej viac ako 500 ludi. Vystupili deti z folklorneho suboru Vencek, deti z Materskej skoly na Dostojevskeho ulici v Poprade, deti zo suboru moderneho tanca Trend, mamicky z materskeho centra Bambino a mnohi ini ucinkujuci. Rodinny a svadobny fotograf Anton Fric.
124 imagesInauguracia ziakov prveho rocnika na Spojenej zakladnej skole v Poprade, pasovacka prvakov, Spojena skola Poprad, TAS, TASka
227 imagesGrowing selection of images from Western, Central and Eastern Slovakia and its capital - Bratislava. If you don't find the pictures you want and like, contact me and I will deliver. Kolekcia fotografii z oblasti Zapadne Slovensko, Stredne Slovensko a Vychodne Slovensko a takisto Bratislava. POkial nenajdete fotografie, ktore chcete, zavolajte a ja vam dodam z archivu alebo nafotim specialne pre vas. Svadobny a rodinny fotograf Anton Fric.
60 images
9 imagesGrowing collection of images from various European countries. Check daily for new additions. Rastuca kolekcia fotografii z celej Europy. Pribudaju kazdy den.