Nur, Sára a ďalší členovia rodiny Nissana Putrusa spia na zemi v stane v utečeneckom centre Mar Ellia v kresťanskej štvrti Ankawa (Erbil, Severný Irak). V jednom stane s plochou 30 m2 žije 8 ľudí. V centre platí pravidlo že rodina s piatimi a viac členmi má k dispozícii celý stan, rodiny so štyrmi a menej členmi dostanú len polovicu stanu. V centre je 62 stanov, približne 135 rodín, viac ako 600 ľudí. Nur, Sara and other members of Nissan Putrus' family are sleeping in their tent in Mar Ellia centre in Christian neighbourhood of Ankawa in Erbil, Northern Iraq. One tent of 30 sq.m. must be enough for the family of 8 people. They store matraces, food and other possesions in this single place which changes into bedroom every night. Policy in the centre assigns one tent to a family of five, famillies with four and less members get only half a tent. There are 62 tents, 135 families and more than 600 people living in the centre.
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