Anton Frič je fotograf a cestovateľ žijúci v Poprade na východnom Slovensku. Je otcom štyroch detí a popri fotografovaní pôsobí aj ako učiteľ angličtiny. Na prelome rokov 2014 a 2015 strávil takmer mesiac medzi kresťanskými a jezídskymi utečencami. Cieľom jeho cesty bolo zdokumentovanie podmienok utečencov a snaha pomôcť v ich ťažkom údele. Momentálne sa venuje prednáškam o stiuácii kresťanov v Iraku po celom Slovensku a prípravou ďalšej cesty do Sýrie a ďalších lokalít na Blízkom Východe.
Anton Fric is a documentary, humanitarian and travel photographer and filmmaker based in Slovakia, Central Europe. He is a father of four children . Besides photography he works also as a teacher of English. In December 2014 and January 2015 he spent a month among Christian and Yezidi refugees in Kurdistan documenting their life. His aim was to document their strugles and try to help them in various ways. At the moment he is giving presentations and about the situation of refugees all around Slovakia and is preparing for other trips to Iraq and Syria.