Slobodná 25-ročná Meriam a jej vydatá 30-ročná sestra Rasha v tábore Mar Ellia v Ankawe (Erbil, Severný Irak). Meriam je najmladšou dcérou Nissana Putrusa z Qaraqoshu. Nissanova rodina musela zo svojich domovov ujsť v noci, 6. augusta, keď sa k mestu priblížili jednotky Islamského štátu a kedy kurdská Pehmerga, na ktorej ochranu sa miestni obyvatelia spoliehali, zbabelo ušla. Nissan má 6 dcér a 1 syna. Najmladšia Meriam je jediná slobodná a veľmi sa snaží nájsť "vhodnú partiu".
Single, 25 year old Meriam and her 30 year old sister Rasha in Mar Ellia refugee centre in Ankawa, Erbil, Northern Iraq. Meriam is the youngest of 6 daughters of Nissan Putrus, a pharmacist from Qaraqosh. Nissans' famile had to leave their homes during the night of August 6th, when Peshmerga army withdrew without the fight before advancing ISIS fighters. Nissan has 6 daughters and one son. The youngest Meriam is the only unmerried one and is in the process of seeking a husband.