37-ročná Chalida je mamou troch chlapcov a troch dievčat. Pochádzajú z Yezídskeho mesta Tel Kasap. Chalidin manžel Salem moemntálne bojuje v radoch kurdskej Peshmergy. Rodina plánuje zostať v Kurdistane keďže ich dom a celá dedina boli zničené. Momentálne žijú v jednej izbe rozostavaného domu v meste Sheikan na severe Kurditanu. 37 year old Yazidi woman Chalida is a mother of three boys and three girls. Her husband fights with Peshmerga. They come fom the vilage Tel Kasap but they do not plan to come back as they know, that their house and entire village were destroyed. Currently they live in one room of an unfinished building in Shaikan townin Northern Kurdistan.
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